Thanks for the detailed reply, Joe!

Well...the box DID boot with that HighPoint card and software RAID1 on the 2 drives.  
I'm going to redo it all over again, but with your partition recommendations.  No 
plans for a Web server, but you never know.  This is really just a box for me to mess 
with regarding FTP setup and/or act as an emergency spare to replace any in production.

Now I have to go read up on LVM to see if I can add it to the mix.

Thanks again!


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Polk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: RE: 38 GB partitioning advice

I see a couple of problems already. /boot should be no more than 100MB.
Anything more is a waste. / should be way more than 500MB. I know that
some will say "I run my entire Linux box on a 486DX66 and 250MB HD!"
Well, this is RH8 and given what you're telling me, I would jack that
up. I would give it at least a Gig. I use a 4gig on my server but it
shares /usr too and not many applications will be loaded. Also, if users
are going to be uploading these files, then they will likely reside in
/home. If you're having an anonymous FTP server then you can point that
where you want, but I would still use /home for all such storage.  /usr
is application data and I wouldn't use if for ftp storage, but you're
certainly free to do so. Hell, you can put it anywhere you want, but
that's just my assessment.
Here's how I would do it, take this for what you will:
/boot   = 80MB
/       = 5G
/usr    = 3G
/home   = remaining
SWAP    = 512MB

There are a plethora of opinions I'm sure on whether this is necessary,
take that for what you will. If you plan to add Apache and email
services, then add a /var partition. Keep in mind Apache by default now
uses /var/www for it's root, not /home/http as in the past. You can,
however, move it to /home if you wish.

The important thing to stress is, increase / and make /boot smaller as
indicated. 500MB is too small for / and way too big for /boot.


On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 08:06, Douglas, Stuart wrote:
> Thanks for the reply (all of you!).
> I did read a tiny bit about LVM in the RH install/config documentation.  It seemed 
> like very useful technology, but I stayed away from it for the moment given my 
> embryonic understanding of the Linux environment.
> My setup is strictly for an anonymous ( fixed IP list at the FW) FTP 
> server that will take in HUGE (100-1000 MB) MPEG2 files which then get moved to our 
> video production servers (the FTP basically serves as a temporary holding bin for 
> inbound content from our clients).  Being stuck on the cheap, I'm using an old 
> PII/400 PC with 256 MB of RAM and 2 40 GB IDE drives connected to a HighPoint ATA 
> controller card and setting up RAID1 during the Linux install.  I started the 
> install yesterday, and after feeling my way through the manual DiskDruid part 
> (something like 5-6 times!) I THINK I have the RAID done correctly (I'll find out 
> this morning, I left it doing the drive checking part on all the partitions 
> yesterday evening).  I went with 500 MB partitions for swap, / and /boot.  I went 
> with 4 GB /var and /home partitions, and then put all remaining disk space into the 
> /usr partition (where I'll point the FTP server).  I have no idea if the box will 
> even end up booti!
>  after I'm done...I guess I'll find out shortly.  Since this is something of a 
> developmental/test box, I'd kinda like to investigate everyone's LVM suggestions, 
> especially since I'm not even through the initial OS install yet.  I may just have 
> to get out the company checkbook and get a hardware IDE RAID controller instead and 
> start all over.
> Sorry to ramble a bit hear, but if anyone has any feedback given the above, your 
> advice or comments are always greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Stuart
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thierry ITTY [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 4:13 AM
> Subject: Re: 38 GB partitioning advice
> I'd set up reasonnable system partitions (depending on what you'll install)
> such as
> 50/100 MB for /boot
> 2/4GB for /
> swap (twice ram)
> then use LVM for the rest. with LVM you'll be able to increase/decrease
> partitions size seamlessly
> A 13:00 24/03/2003 -0500, vous avez écrit :
> >All,
> >
> >I'm setting up a RH8 server (FTP) onto mirrored 40 GB drives (38162
> usable...doing the RAID as part of the OS install) and need some
> partitioning suggestions for the installation.  What partitions and sizes
> should I use (and why for those who feel like being extra
> informative...thanks in advance).
> >
> >Regards and thanks,
> >
> >Stuart
> >
> >
> >
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> Bien sûr que je suis perfectionniste !
> Mais ne pourrais-je pas l'être mieux ?
>       Thierry ITTY
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