> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Skrogstad
> Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 6:48 PM
> Subject: Spam blocking for Sendmail
> I have a virtual server that serves about 8 domains.  We are 
> getting a ton of junk mail and I am wondering what I can use
> with Sendmail to help cut down on the spam that I am recieving?
> Thank you,

...like when buying a house - the three most important things to remember
are location, location and location. When it comes to fighting spam - the
three most important things to remember are spamassassin, spamassassin and

For reference: Prior to implementing spamassassin, my mailbox would get (on
average) 70-80 spam e-mails per day. With spamassassin running, I see 2-3
spam e-mails make into my mailbox per week. Thats not a type-o, 2-3 per

Checkout: http://www.spamassassin.org

Steve Cowles

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