On Wed, 1 Apr 2003, Patrick S. Harper wrote:

> Ok, thats strange.  I just did an install of RH8 on my test box and it
> did the media check fine.
> The RH9 ISO's passed on the md5, they failed the media check on my test
> box, but on two other systems they passed the media check.  hmmmmmmmmm.
> jsut thought I would follow up on my own post :)  very strange.  thanks
> for the help.

Not so strange.  You can have incompatibilities between a CD-RW drive and
other CD-R and RW drives.  It can even boil down to the choice of media
and how certain drives behave with certain media.  I had a heck of a time
with a Richoh drive.  Replaced it with a Sony....my life is less
stressful.  :-)

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