On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 02:38:10PM -0400, MWafkowski wrote:
> I'll try to distill my point. At this time there is no full blown GUI
> (functonality, eye candy, ease of use, etc.) that is not a pig on Linux.

In this form, the argument is wrong. There's Window Maker, which
offers all the functionality and eye candy I need *and* it's fast -
hence, for me (like for may others), there *is* a "full blown GUI that is
not a pig". I think your definition isn't clear... ;-)

> I am not aware of even an attempt at a viable (performance wise ) "full
> blown" alternate based on X. And christmas, the advances in hardware
> performance in the last few years are truly astonishing.

Actually, there is such an attempt. It used to be called "Berlin" and
I think it's called "Fresco" now - try Google to find out what
happened to it. My impression is, that there aren't many developers
out there for whom this is a problem, otherwise, this would have been
changed a long time ago. That's the issue and there are only two
solutions I can see at the moment: Find some developers who care
(including yourself, maybe), or find a company who's willing 
to fork over money to solve this.

> I'm a Linux user and proponent, but now I limit my advocacy to Linux as a
> server OS. I/we (My company/customers) only use Linux on servers

See, and I've worked in several companies, where we had Sun
SparcStations as desktop, running SunOS or Solaris. The same could
easily be done with Linux. These machines are *excellent* desktops,
especially, if they're set up well.

However, if you base your definitions on "can it imitate Windows?",
the "no" is probably right...



P.S.: Anectdotal side note: Even my wife, who wasn't used to anything
      but Windows at the time, asked me to remove KDE on her machine
      and give her the nice GUI I had (Window Maker) instead... ;-)
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