On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 04:42, Nurullah Akkaya wrote:
> i got a couple of questions why do i need 2 computers?
> where can i register the domain name which company is reliable?
> and i dont want to lose the name i register is there a way to
> automate registration ?
> and if i register the domain from a company called xyz.com(fake) and
> company closed 2 mounts later do i lose the domain and also i can i
> proof that it is my domain? thx
> -- 
Your question was worded in a way that led to the answers you received.
NO. You do not need two computers and, unless you know way you are
doing, there is no reason to run your own name servers (most registars
will do that for you). 

A registrar is simply an agent for Network Solutions. The more
established registrars tend to offer better support for things like
editing your zone file (for DNS) and might offer other incentives as

What will you use the domain for? Do you have a static or dynamic IP?
Does your ISP block any ports?

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