> From: Edward Croft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 10:06:19 -0400
> On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 09:49, Kenneth Goodwin wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> > Dropping your first punch card deck on the floor and having
> > to manually resort the entire deck of 500 cards because you 
> > did not bother to number the cards using columns 73-80 of 
> > the cards so the card sorter

Card sorters? You had card sorters? Ok, we *may* have had one, but I'm not 
<SNIP> >
> > Waiting in line to have your card deck program run for the
> > 10th time to see if you had gotten that last bug out of your 
> >Fortran code.

Then there's my "favorite" - the time in school when my short program would 
not run, and would not run, JCL error, and it was the only time that I went 
to the lab assistant for help...and he found the bug by looking at the 
punches...and realized that one of the two machines that were kept free for 
typos was punching *other* than what it printed....
> <snip>
> I remember the most infuriating thing back in the old days of
> programming, when it took half a day to compile, was missing that f----
> '.' in COBOL.

Heh. I won't say how many companies probably still have code of mine in 
COBOL where I made a loop with 
        Perform 1000-dummy-paragraph
          thru 1000-dummy-paragraph-exit
          while <go through an array and find what you want>.

Ain't *never* gone give up my for/next loops!

> I always wondered what happened to you old geezers. I remember the whine

Uh, out of work developer/Unix/Linux sysadmin....
"Get money. Get it quickly. Get it in abundance. Get it dishonestly,
if you can, honestly, if you must." - the Gospel as preached by
the robber barons, according to Mark Twain (does this sound familiar?)

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