Ignore the previous post. The system ignores it......

Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:

Following are two entries from our /var/log/messages file and I'm wondering about the 'authentication failure' part. This seems to happen with every login, at least remote, although the user logs in normally with no problem. Can we change some setting to make this go away?

As far as I know the only way is to either downgrade the sshd rpm from
the latest released by redhat or install the one from openssh.org.

There are a couple of bugs at bugzilla.redhat.com regarding this but the
guy responsible does not seem to care about false failure messages. I
found that unacceptable and installed the openssh rpms on some of my
machines and left the old rom in place on others. I forget the RH
versions that made it hard to do the openssh stuff.


I think it is a function of how many people actually look at the logs
and complain, not many I guess.

No, it pisses me off, as well. I just haven't had the time to complain to RedHat that they've royally messed up all of my logs. I'm also hoping and praying that RH 10 will fix this problem...


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