> It takes 10-15mins tops, on decent machine. Certainly less than half an hour.
> The time you took for testing and searching for RPM could easily have taken
> longer than the time you'd taken if you recompile PHP to suit your need. I do
> this on regular basis, so I know.
> It's not a matter of platform, BSD, RH, Mandrake, Suse, anything, it does not
> matter. What matter is, is PHP compiled with what you need, againts the
> correct libs?

i just don't understand why the source code from php.net would not compile
the same on bsd, sun or rh box..  why it HAS to be an rpm to have the php
cli working. what's wrong with the install script checking for your os and
then installing the correct cli?

> > it has it...
> So, what's the problem? What's the error?
> It's hard to understand what you really want. If you want specific answer,
> gives us specific problem and good question. Rambling and ranting does not
> help. I was just guessing on what was your problem and what you needed and
> try to give general answer. All I can gather from what you said so far is you
> need newer PHP version for command line and it needs to have mysql functions
> compiled. You only said it worked on bsd, not on RH.

i the problem is that the the php scripts run by cron are identical on
both machines - as are the php 4.3.0 sources - but the ones ported over to
the RH8 machine are giving me this error:

test code:

 $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");
 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM theTable",$db);
 printf("l1: %s\n", mysql_result($result,0,"some_column"));
this code works perfectly fine on the bsd machine. on the rh8 i get this
cli output (both installed the SAME way and from the SAME source 4.3.0):

# ./ratLL.php
./ratLL.php: line 2: ?: No such file or directory
./ratLL.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./ratLL.php: line 3: ` $db = mysql_connect(localhost, "user", "pass");'

i posted a week ago this code. i was told that the cli compiled on the rh8
is not a "redhat one". so my problem question is why? why wouldn't the
install script detect the os as RH8 and compile the "correct redhat" cli..

> > > Redhat cannot always provide the latest RPM for every software included
> > > in its distro.
> > >
> > > RDB

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