On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 02:13:12PM -0500, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> > >Does this mean that I won't be downloading RH 10, but instead will be
> > >downloading Fedora 10 or something?
> >
> > Fedora Core 1 (Cambridge), apparently, which will contain everything you
> > expected to see in Red Hat Linux 10 and more due to the contributions of
> > the Fedora Project.
> Okay, now for the big question:  RHCE?

>From what I heard at Linuxworld in SFO, RHCE will be tied more to RHEL
than to RHL and the exams were going to be based on RHEL starting this
fall (which is now here).

I'm not an RHCE, but you do have official sources that you can contact
to get definitive answers.

> As I understand it, the current RHCE exam is based on RH 8.0.  If RedHat is
> now dropping the free version of RedHat in favor of the Fedora Project, is
> the RHCE going to be splintered?  Or are they going to change the test to be
> based on the Enterprise Linux?

The latter.  

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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