> I wish I knew.  RH was very prompt about explaining to current RHCE's
> how the original numbering changes would affect our certification
> period.  I haven't heard anything from RH since they've issued the press
> release that signalled the end of the "retail" version.
> Previously, my certification was due to expire around RH 12.  I have no
> idea now.

According to https://www.redhat.com/training/rhce/rhce_faq.html#current

   All RHCEs earned on Red Hat Linux 7.3 or prior will be considered current 
   until the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES/WS 4.

   All RHCEs and RHCTs earned on RedHat Linux 8.0 or 9 will remain current 
   until the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.

Sounds like yours is good until the release of RHEL 4.


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