On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, Mark Rogers wrote:

> I do this from our router.
> telnet 80
> I get connected and type "GET /"  and the page comes down the screen.
> On *any* machine on our network (all runnng Rh5.0 + Updates) however,
> the same thing results in the
> connection timing out after I issue the GET / command.

Are you able to actually issue the GET /?  What about other telnet
functions like Are-You-There ? 

Did you get your IP numbers as a reassignment from someone else?  It's
possible that these sites have told their servers not to serve you
documents based on bad behavior of the previous residents of your address
space.  It could be some other address-space-related problem.  The fact
that it works from your router but not from hosts on your network tends to
corroborate this (routers tend to appear to be on your upstream provider's

On the other hand, this is a particularly bad explanation for why VPN
would not work.

The fact that you can ping and especially FTP makes me think it is
probably not a routing problem per se, since the functioning of FTP
implies that TCP/IP does in fact work between these sites.  There is no
difference between FTP and HTTP at the network level, only at the data

You might ask the administrators of these sites for help.  It's
unfortunate that only large sites suffer this problem.  If it were my site
I'd help you, but I doubt they will.

> Also just tried it with a computer (my Win95) plugged directly into the

That eliminates possibility of a Linux-specific issue.

> Any ideas? Is it an incorrect MTU value on the router Eth port? If so
> what should it be? It's at 1500 like all our machines?
> Is it the HUB?

None of these.

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