Hello everyone!!! 

I have tried to connect my RH5.0
in the Internet, but all the con-
figurations that I improved failed. 
I tempted to configure in the control-
panel, or thus using a script, or
doing by hand, but it don't make. 
Finally, thinking that the problem
could be with the modem, I tempted
to dial using minicom, etc... but 
the modem don't make any noise. 
By the way, I can to use it to
dial up in win95. 
Is this a problem with my modem
(I don't know if it is Plug-and-play
 or no) ? Or with the kernel ? 
Are there restrictions in dialing
from linux using a plug-and-play
modem ? 

Can someone give me some answsers ?
it's very depreciate to use win95
to connect me with the web ! 

Thanks !!! 


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