Just to add to this, yhou may need to configure your P'nP card first. 
The package to use is "isapnp". It is best to set the Plug and Pray
cards up when your machine boots. I do it in my rc.local script.

You will also need to "setserial" your /dev/ttySx device (where "x"
is the number of your serial device, as discussed below).

A tip: On my machine I need to set the UART type as well as the
port and IRQ (I have a 16550A UART).

 man setserial 

will give you the setserial parameters.

Also, you don't state what your modem is. If it is a "winmodem" you are
out of luck: Linux won't support this as winmodems are modems that are
designed specifically for the Windows platform, for Windows taking over 
the activity that some of the "normal" modems' hardware does. That's the
price that you pay for a cheaper modem, I'm afraid!


Bradley Kieser

Don't go through life, grow through life.
-- Eric Butterworth

---Ray Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Start with something simple, like make sure that you have a link in
> /dev/modem pointing to the right device such as ttySX where the X is
> either 0 for com1 or 1 for com2.
> IOW, do this as root:
> ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem
> Then call up minicom and issue the simple command atz and see if your
> modem echos back OK. If it does then you have a connection to the
> modem and your script to dial is probably wrong, but you will need to
> give more info from your log files, i.e. /var/log/messages.
> >>>>> "i" == ivan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> i> Hello everyone!!! 
> i> I have tried to connect my RH5.0
> i> in the Internet, but all the con-
> i> figurations that I improved failed. 
> i> I tempted to configure in the control-
> i> panel, or thus using a script, or
> i> doing by hand, but it don't make. 
> i> Finally, thinking that the problem
> i> could be with the modem, I tempted
> i> to dial using minicom, etc... but 
> i> the modem don't make any noise. 
> i> By the way, I can to use it to
> i> dial up in win95. 
> i> Is this a problem with my modem
> i> (I don't know if it is Plug-and-play
> i>  or no) ? Or with the kernel ? 
> i> Are there restrictions in dialing
> i> from linux using a plug-and-play
> i> modem ? 
> i> Can someone give me some answsers ?
> i> it's very depreciate to use win95
> i> to connect me with the web ! 
> i> Thanks !!! 
> i> Ivan. 
> i> -- 
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> i> http://www.redhat.com/RedHat-FAQ /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips
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> -- 
> Curtis Consulting
> http://www.clark.net/pub/ray
> ====================
> A visit to a fresh place will bring strange work.
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