Ray Curtis writes:
 > >>>>> "dr" == Danny Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > dr> I was just using ~/temp/mbox to test if it could get this file because 
 > dr> it could not get /var/spool/mail/dwrice.
 > >> (setq vm-spool-files '("/var/spool/mail/LOGINNAME" 
 > >> 
 > >> Of course change:
 > >> First LOGINNAME to your local loginname
 > >> ISP.DOMAIN to your ISP
 > >> Second LOGINNAME to your ISP loginname
 > >> 
 > dr> Thanks!  this seems to work.  My vm-spool-files variable is
 > dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("siren.bio.indiana.edu:110:pass:dwrice:*") )
 > dr> Is there a way to do it without having to put in your password or
 > dr> being prompt for it?  Also, there is a message with subject "DON'T
 > dr> DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA" in /var/spool/mail/dwrice
 > dr> that insists on remaining there.  This just seems kind of sloppy.
 > No, your ISP needs to get your password to allow you do download your 
 > messages. Just make the file ownerships so that no one can read it 
 > except you, something like 600.
 > dr> Why doesn't
 > dr> (setq vm-spool-files   '("/var/spool/mail/dwrice") )
 > dr> work?
 > This doesn't tell it where to spool the messages from. Read the info
 > and FAQ on VM. I have links on my page {below} to some of this info.

I read the FAQ again.  Like info, it says I should be able to just use 
(setq vm-spool-files   '("/var/spool/mail/dwrice") ) since I am
getting mail from a local spool directory.  I have never had problems
with it on other systems.  The other mail utilities read from
/var/spool/mail/dwrice with no problem also.  Were you thinking I was
accessing a remote spool?  Sorry if I was unclear.

 > -- 
 > Curtis Consulting
 > http://www.clark.net/pub/ray
 > ====================
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Danny Rice

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