>ED>Or is it ridiculously expensive where he is?

In my neck of the US the difference is close to $200/month.

>I doubt that it would be prohibitively expensive as he lives in the US.
>If I were in his shoes what I would do is switch to a small, local ISP which
>might be more willing to provide a static ip for his dial-up and get an
>off-site host convinced to pull secondary MX for his domains.... but, you have
>to make friends with folks to get that kind of support! I have seen 
>local isp's
>charge as little as $5.00 extra per month for an analog dial-up with a static
>IP address. Net cost could be as little as $24.95 per month. If he has a cable
>modem or a xDSL connection one of two things occurs to me. He has an ISP which
>has some rather odd restrictions placed on their IP space or he has not
>correctly set up his MTA. I am inclined to believe it's the latter.
>In the interim he could simply relay through his provider's SMTP host and use
>fetchmail to get the mail while he tinkers at discovering what works and what
>doesn't work using properly configured masquerading... sadly it 
>appears that he
>would rather make accusations which, once again, prove Godwin's Law than deal
>reasonably with the technical issues which, as I have said, are not simple!
>Imagine, if you will, that vger (the home of the Linux Kernel mailing list and
>the place where Linus Torvalds holds court) is singling out Linux users on
>dial-ups for exclusion and is deliberately doing so with malice aforethought!
>C'mon... I don't think so. It's a technical issue, not a political one.
>Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <http://moongroup.com>
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