
I have two problems : first sometimes my box displays the message :
hda : status timeout : status=0xd0 {Busy}
hda : no DRQ after issuing WRITE .
Dec 13 15:57:30 <name of my box> kernel : hda : status timeout
status=0xd0 {Busy}
ide0 : reset : success
is this bad news ?
is there a problem ?
how shall i fix it ?

it's off course an IDE drive, if you need more details i'll try to find them

second problem : when i try to telnet this box, it says 

telnetd: All network ports in use.
Connection closed by foreign host.

I can telnet from this box, ftp to and from this box.

I presume it comes from a paramater in inetd.conf but can't find which.

Thanks for help


Jean-Yves LEBLIN
Centre de Ressources Informatiques 
Ecole Centrale de Nantes 
B.P. 92101, 44321 Nantes cedex 3, France 

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