
I'd *love* to see a 686 compiled RH distro. It's not just Linux that
goes through the evolution. So does the hardware available in hardware

In a way, I can understand that RedHat doesn't want to go this way,
because then they would also have to provide a 586 distro etc, etc. And
when would they be able to discontinue the 386 compiled distro? Etc.

But I think it could be done as a distributed volonteer developer
project. As long as RedHat doesn't want to do it themself, I don't see
why they should (or could?) oppose to such a project. Maybe that RedHat
would like to participate, if it's run by volonteers?

Of course, there need to be a project definition, organization,
objective and scope definition, plus a serious coordination effort to
fulfill the sake.

Idea: Maybe(!!) the objective would be to always maintain a distro
optimized for the very latest available Intel platform?

If someone organized a distributed project to do this I would like to
participate. (Does it already exist?) But, I wouldn't find time to
manage it. Not even to participate in project management. I'd be happy
to maintain the latest 686 rpms for a limited and well defined subset of
the necessary packages. Kinda 20 - 30 rpms. Maybe more. I would also be
happy to provide limited space on my ftp server. Maybe 10 - 20 MB, but
no more. I don't see why such an effort couldn't even bring us a 686
compiled .iso of the RH setup.

As I already stated, it would require someone else to organize the
effort, though.

I'm aware that many people run Linux on 'old' hardware. I fully respect
this need, which is somewhat proven by the fact that I intend to install
RH6.1 on a few 486's laying around (when I find the time for it) and I
agree that there should be a 386 compatible distro available. Still,
nobody(?) *buys* a 386 or 486 system today.


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