On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 12:47:14AM -0500, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
: |  I have been running
: | Red Hat 6.1 with kernel 2.2.13 (with SMP)  for some time with little
: | difficulty.
: Apparently you are lucky.  I've posted to this list a problem I've had
: with my BP6 system.  I don't trust my BP6 system and don't use it :-(

I have a BP6 w/a pair of C300A's, oc'd to 467.  I used to have lockup 
problems, until I greased/fanned the BX chipset.  See:


Ever since, it's been absolutely *rock solid*.  Not a single crash or
lockup.  I'm using a 40mm fan from www.3dfxcool.com.  I'm running RH 6.1,
2.2.13, the uniform-ide patches to support the HPT366, even the reiserfs
patches.  Rock solid.  Smoking fast too. :)  Is it possible you just have
one or more flaky CPUs?  I tried some 366's in my BP6, one went right up to 
550 with no trouble at all, the other wouldn't get past an 83Mhz FSB, even
with turning the voltage up to 2.2.

: It is known to break LINUX.  Go back to the NJ (previous) BIOS.

NJ is absolutely stable here.  Not so much as a single hiccup.

System details:


                 Jason Costomiris <><
            Technologist, cryptogeek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/

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