On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 12:05:52PM -0500, Hal Burgiss wrote:
: Jason, are you running X and are you running 24/7? There are now 2
: separate mailing list devoted to BP6-linux lockups. The combo of
: X+SMP+BP6+24/7 is looking like an almost certain lockup waiting to
: happen. Sometimes after a few days, sometimes weeks. The best I have
: gotten is 3 weeks. Many are reporting this with no OCing, additional
: cooling, various kernels (inc 2.2.13, 2.2.14pre, 2.3.x), SCSI and/or
: IDE, and all manner of hardware configs, patches, boot options, etc,
: etc, etc. Something is wrong.

Yes, X, and 24/7.  It's wonderful.  Not a single hardware crash.  Sure,
there's the occasional segfault or core, but everyone has those anyhow..


2 x C300A oc-> 467 cooled w/ Alpha 7HO's
256MB PC-100 RAM
Voodoo3 3000 AGP (using the 3Dfx DRI drivers from http://linux.3dfx.com)
AHA 2940UW SCSI bus:
        /dev/sda:  Seagate 4.3G (boot device)
        /dev/sdb:  HP 2.1G
        /dev/sdc:  External Zip100
        /dev/sdd:  External Jaz 1G
        /dev/scd0: HP 6020 CD-R
PIIX IDE Controller:
        /dev/hda:  Pioneer 10X DVD-ROM
        /dev/hdc:  LS-120 drive (Imation???)
HPT366 ATA66 Controller:
        /dev/hde:  Maxtor DiamondMax 20G

Gory Detail:


Yes, I'm that much of a geek.  I made my desktop computer its own home 

                 Jason Costomiris <><
            Technologist, cryptogeek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/

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