On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 11:28:06AM -0500, Jason Costomiris wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 12:47:14AM -0500, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> : |  I have been running
> : | Red Hat 6.1 with kernel 2.2.13 (with SMP)  for some time with little
> : | difficulty.
> : 
> : Apparently you are lucky.  I've posted to this list a problem I've had
> : with my BP6 system.  I don't trust my BP6 system and don't use it :-(
> I have a BP6 w/a pair of C300A's, oc'd to 467.  I used to have
> lockup problems, until I greased/fanned the BX chipset.  See:
> http://www.bp6.com/bx/
> Ever since, it's been absolutely *rock solid*.  Not a single crash
> or lockup.  I'm using a 40mm fan from www.3dfxcool.com.  I'm running
> RH 6.1, 2.2.13, the uniform-ide patches to support the HPT366, even
> the reiserfs patches.  Rock solid.  Smoking fast too. :)  Is it
> possible you just have one or more flaky CPUs?  I tried some 366's
> in my BP6, one went right up to 550 with no trouble at all, the
> other wouldn't get past an 83Mhz FSB, even with turning the voltage
> up to 2.2.
> : It is known to break LINUX.  Go back to the NJ (previous) BIOS.
> NJ is absolutely stable here.  Not so much as a single hiccup.
> System details:
> http://www.jasons.org/anthrax.phtml

Jason, are you running X and are you running 24/7? There are now 2
separate mailing list devoted to BP6-linux lockups. The combo of
X+SMP+BP6+24/7 is looking like an almost certain lockup waiting to
happen. Sometimes after a few days, sometimes weeks. The best I have
gotten is 3 weeks. Many are reporting this with no OCing, additional
cooling, various kernels (inc 2.2.13, 2.2.14pre, 2.3.x), SCSI and/or
IDE, and all manner of hardware configs, patches, boot options, etc,
etc, etc. Something is wrong.

Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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