> On 18 Jan, Greg W wrote:
> > Last Mozilla was good according to some, maybe look in archives for URL as
> > well.....
> IMO it isn't ready yet but it is alpha.  I went back to
> 4.6 after spending a week with it.  Unfortunately, I wouldn't hold my
> breath if you want to see anything too new.  In fact, it may be a step
>  back.  For instance, I can't find a command like netscape 4 openURL()
>  (which opens a bookmark in an existing instance of the browser).  It
>  looks like just the interface has changed. If we're really lucky, it
>  will work as well as 4.7
> Sorry, but that's what it looks like to me.

A step *back*? You have got to be kidding me ;)

(It actually bugs me when people spread this kind of FUD).

If you knew more about web technologies, and really played with
mozilla and some html, to see what it can do, you would not say that
at all. moz supports html4, css2 (cascading styesheets), xml (the
stuff it does with this is ubercool), and so many other web
technologies you just wouldn't believe it.

The rendering engine is second to none. It really is extremely
capable. The thing progressively displays html as it loads it,
including progressive table display (no other browser can do this
right now), and it'll even show cascading style sheets being
dynamically applied.

Most of the complaints about the moz milestone releases are due to
bugs in the user interface. This is really not a big deal, and people
should focus on the important bit. The rendering engine. The UI is
significantly easier to get right, and is a low priority until the
renderer is finished.

I use moz to check my website, as a decent renderer points out all
those little css bugs you missed, 'cos Netscape ignores most of them
=P In fact, there are a few sites out there which rely on bugs in
Netscape's html interpretation to work, and will have to Shape Up when
moz hits the mainstream :)

Things like openURL() are *so* smalltime compared to the massive steps
the developers have taken, you can be sure they will be in the beta
release (the code to do it is already there).

For those of us interested in web technologies, and those of us who
have peaked at the mozilla cvs code, it is an extremely exciting
project, and nearer to delivering than a lot of people think ;)

Lets have some *encouraging* words for once eh? You wouldn't believe
the amount of work that's gone into the mozilla project.

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
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