logrotate does the same thing.  Rats, shucks, and bummer dude.  I was
really hoping that this was going to work I guess I need to code the
java app to write to a log file and I will have to figure out how to
accept a signal to close and reopen the new file.  I guess I should have
known this was too easy.  I really would like to know what is going on
if anyone has any ideas.  

Is there something I am doing incorrectly?  For what it is worth I am
running 2.2.5-22smp kernels from redhat on a compaq3000 with two 200MHz
pentium pros, 1GB RAM and a 5 drive raid 5 array.

BTW this seems really slow to execute the script. about 13 seconds with
or without the echos and redirecting output.


Bret Hughes wrote:
> Hmmm  Same deal.  Here is what I am doing.
> #testtime > numfile &
> #trunclog numfile
> here are the scripts:
> [bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ less testtime
> #! /bin/sh
> echo 'setting num to 0'
> i=1
> while [ $i -lt 2000 ] ; do
>   echo $i
>   i=`expr $i + 1`
> done
> [bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ less trunclog
> #! /bin/sh
> #  trunclog
> echo 'about to truncate' $1
> if [ -f $1 ]
> then
>   cp $1 $1.bak
> #  cat /dev/null > $1
>   echo >$1
> else
>   echo 'file not found'
> fi
> output of ls after running both files
> [bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ ls -l
> total 28
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes      8905 Jan 21 11:37 numfile
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes      8425 Jan 21 11:37 numfile.bak
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes        35 Jan 17 16:18 testfile
> -rwx------   1 bhughes  bhughes       104 Jan 20 11:24 testtime
> -rwx------   1 bhughes  bhughes       153 Jan 21 11:30 trunclog
> I run trunclog befor the background job is finished and after
> truncation, numfile has a whole shitload of @ symbols on the same line
> as the first number
> ls after removing all @s
> [bhughes@compaq2 bhughes]$ ls -l
> total 32
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes      8905 Jan 21 11:37 numfile
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes      8425 Jan 21 11:37 numfile.bak
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes       480 Jan 21 11:41 numfile.clean
> -rw-rw-r--   1 bhughes  bhughes        35 Jan 17 16:18 testfile
> -rwx------   1 bhughes  bhughes       104 Jan 20 11:24 testtime
> -rwx------   1 bhughes  bhughes       153 Jan 21 11:30 trunclog
> now that I look at it it looks like the file size is kept the same and
> padded with these @ symbols.  since the total of the clean file and the
> bak file equals the size of new numfile.
> Yep, just ran testtime all the way though without truncating and the
> size is indeed 8905.  shell must be keeping track of where it is writing
> on the disk and keeping going?  I don't pretend to know enough about
> what is happening but it is interesting.  I'll dig into the logrotate
> doc and see if I can fire off logrotate to truncate the file before it
> is finished.
> Any ideas?
> Bret
> Tom Gilbert wrote:
> >
> > * Bret Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > Good to know also.  I tried the cat /dev/null > logfile technique and
> > > while I did not loos any data there is about 4K or so of garbage at the
> > > begining of the logfile.  In less it shows up as all '@' (noquotes)
> > > symbols.
> > >
> > > Does not look good for the cat  dev/null > technique.  I am going to use
> > > the logrotate any way but was hoping to learn something.  I guess I did,
> > > just not what I was hoping :-)
> > >
> > > Thanks again
> > >
> > > Bret
> >
> > That shouldn't happen. Odd. Well, if that doesn't work, even simpler
> > is:
> >
> > $ echo > logfile
> >
> > Tom.
> > --
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> >
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