On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 09:41:50AM -0800, Hidong Kim wrote:
> I'm having problems seeing fonts correctly in netscape.  I created a web
> page using the StarOffice HTML editor.  I chose Verdana for the font. 
> When I view this page in netscape, the font appears as really small,
> hard to read Times.

That's the exact reason why it is recommended not to use <font face="">
at all - there is absolutely no guarantee what it will look like on
other machines, as you're making assumptions about font installations
which might or might not be true. The best way to do this is to either
use style sheets or leave the default fonts in my experience. HTML
wasn't really designed to force physical layout, which is one reason why
you get this effect.
Out of interest: Is there any particular reason you're not using a
heading tag (<h1> - <h6>) for the heading instead of <font size=...>
plus <b>?


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