It happens in *any* man page in an xterm - whether it is on my local linux
machine or another machine (Linux, Solaris, DUX). I haven't tried it from a
console. I imagine it's something with X-windows (Xresources? ) but I can't
find it...

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
> > Turning off the color ls feature is easy. What about getting rid of the color
> > in man pages? 
> What color? I'm not seeing color in man pages. Can you tell me a sample
> man page that is colorized? Does it happen on the console, or only in
> xterms?
> It's probably related to changes in less though... does it still happen
> with
> export PAGER=more
> ?
> LLaP
> bero
Prentice Bisbal
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab  

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