Isaiah Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The problem is with the *MAN* pages - they come up in color, and
>> the dark blue and green are practically impossible to read. I
>> imagine this is a matter of fixing some X11 settings somewhere, but
>> the question is "where?"  In this case, it looks like my xterminal
>> window is adding the color, since man pages on remote machines
>> (other O/S's, too) are coming up in color, too. I think I could
>> edit /etc/termcap to make all ther terminal types monchrome, but
>> that would be a lot of work and would probably make *everything*
>> black and white, including menu-based programs like ntsysv or disk
>> druid.

It is not the man program doing this.  It is xterm.  I had to put:

XTerm*colorBDMode:   False
XTerm*colorBLMode:   False
XTerm*colorULMode:   False

in my .Xresources file to get rid of the colorification of man pages.
Check the man page for xterm/nxterm to see the new options.


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