On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Jeff Graves wrote:
>> yes, he should be able to if
> >Of course this assumes the route exist for the interface
> >and the "local" network.
> he had the entry in the tables.
Ermm... excuse me, I'm on a 192.168.0.x network. :-) But your point
is taken. 
> However, the reason I mention this is because usually when things
> dissappear from the routing table none of it works. A reboot or
> rebuild of the routing table may solve the problem. Also, make sure
> that you ping the card itself. And take a look at ifconfig.
I can ping the card ( from the linux box and I can ping
the card from the outside world. However, I cannot ping the outside
world from the linux box.

As far as the linux box is concerned, the outside world doesn't
appear to exist. I'm not sure what would have caused this, as it was
working fine one moment and the next it wasn't, and I rebooted that
machine something like a half-dozen times last night trying to get
the silly thing to work... *shrug*

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