This probably won't help much (any?) but this machine I am running is
hooked up via DSL to Southwestern Bell. I didn't order a static ip
address; I get a DHCP address every time I log in with the DSL. Here's
what I did to set up - maybe somebody can enlighten me as to what is
happening behind the scenes.

1.) I have a NIC in my Win machine. Hook the DSL modem directly up to that
NIC, log in using SWBells provided software, and get a user name and
2.) Decide that I would like to route through my linux machine, so I
install the (Kingston?) NIC that came from SW Bell into my Linux machine,
in addition to the NIC (Netgear) that was already there. Now, the Netgear
NIC hooks directly up to the Win nic via a crossover cable.
3.) Downloaded PPPoE software from, since
the Win software said that it was doing ppp over ethernet. Hooked the DSL
modem up directly to the new (eth1) NIC on linux, installed and set up the
PPPoE stuff from roaring penguin.
4.) Run adsl-start, and Wow! Fast internet connection. Made some routing
changes so that Win can get to the net.

So that's my story - again, it was really easy. (So if anybody has any
idea what happened behind the scenes, I would appreciate comments.)

-Dusty deBoer

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Bret Hughes wrote:

> I am in the process of doing a Southwestern Bell DSL self
> install.  I have the modem/bridge connected and solid lights
> on the dsl and atm indicators.  According to the docs, I am
> jammin'.. However when I try to bring up eth0 with dhcp
> enabled it times out and the interface is dropped.  ifconfig
> shows eth0 with no ipaddress during this time.  A ping
> attempt shows trying to ping from  I guess all this
> makes sense.  The interface comes up fine here at the office
> using the dhcpd that came with RedHat.
> Any ideas?  I have a call into tech support but I thought I
> would try to get a jump on it.  Do I need anything else for
> this to work?  We have dsl here at the office but it uses
> static ipaddresses so the dhcp was not an issue.
> I find a lot of references to problems with pump but few
> specifics.  What do I need to do to try a dhcp client rather
> than pump?  /sbin/ifup calls pump directly  Do I have to
> tweak ifup to get it to call dhcp instead?
> I assume that I cam manually start the interface using
> ifconfig -i eth0 up. and then call pump but that does not
> work either.  I can see the lights on the bridge flicker and
> tcpdump reports 14 packets recieved but no output.  calling
> tcpdump -i eth0 gives the error tht the interface is not up
> even though ifconfig is doing the no ip address thing.  Is
> there some other tool to sniff the interface so I can see
> what is happening?
> Any help appreciated.
> Bret
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