On 01-Sep-00 Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
>               Hi Greg,
>> you mean, for example, what's wrong w/ the philips cdd2000 or cdd2600
>> recorders
>> for which there is a class action suit
>> (http://www.cdrecorderclassnotice.com/) ?
>> As I understand it, the recorder was built w/ a spring that did not have
>> enough
>> tension to move the laser to the end of the disc.
>  And what about more recent types (404, 804)?

I have no idea. you might want to check this out yourself if you are considering
using one of these. for me, that fact that they did this, and then, against
all logic refused to admit that there was a problem (even thou 100% of all
that product was affected), until the class action suit was brought against
them, that is reason enough for me to give them a miss, especially when there
are alternatives in the market that are rock solid, and have no such problems.



E-Mail: Gregory Hosler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 04-Sep-00
Time: 10:18:26

        If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
             ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.


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