On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 01:54:50PM -0400, Rob Hardowa wrote:
> Just a quick note...
> It's been a long time since I studied compilers, and a brief time at that,
> so I'm not really qualified to give you any information other than an
> opinion....so I offer this...
> A standard user space program that only uses regular C library functions
> should not require the kernel headers to be installed, because the
> information it requires should have been linked into the compiler.
> If you are installing a new compiler, the kernel headers (at the least)
> should need to be installed in order to obtain certain system defined
> headers.

There is a small portion of this already supported by gcc.  It keeps
knowledge of some platform specific details in

Under Linux, the rest of the information contained in the kernel
header files which user space programs might find useful is actually
handled by the C library header files (at least this is true for
glibc).  The header files bundled in glibc-devel provide 'wrappers'
for the data defined in the kernel headers so that they never need to
be included directly.

Steve Borho                       Voice:  314-439-8342
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Celox Networks Inc                http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1925.txt

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