Here's something you could try.  From the command prompt:

echo -n <machinename> > /etc/HOSTNAME
Replace <machinename> with the machine name.  NOT the entire domain name.
For example, if your canonical name is, use zeta.


echo -n <domainname> > /etc/defaultdomain
Replace <domainname> with the entire domain,

That will set up your machine with it's canonical name.  

Now you need to go into the Pine configuration files to tell it what your
default domain is.  From the main Pine page enter "s" to choose "setup",
then "c" to choose "configuration".  Fill out the data there, and your
mail will reflect your username@domain based on the domain name you enter.  
You can modify Pine to show other email addresses from the "Roles"
configuration section.

Jonathan, wish I could help more (if I've helped at all!), but I'm leaving
for Boston tomorrow and won't be back for a week.

Good luck!


On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Jonathan Wilson wrote:

>Something definantly wrong. I sent a message from the box, from pine, to my 
>workstation and it comes in like this:
>From: admin account <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>hmm, where is it getting localhost.localdomain from???
>         JW
>At 02:54 PM 9/15/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>>Well, from reading the  help page it looks like I have it correct:
>>Hostname: actualhostname
>>Primary name + domain name: actualhostname.actualdomainname.tld
>>Aliases: actualhostname
>>Only thing I can see that could be wrong it maybe Hostname should contain 
>>the full host.domain.tld?
>>**** note: of course in linuxconf I put the the real host, domain and tld 
>>names ;-) just didn't want to post it here for script kiddies to see.
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