On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 02:23:07PM -0400, Jason Oppel wrote:
> I am currently having problems getting my RH 6.1 box to connect to my cable
> internet service (Road Runner [Greensboro, NC]).  Supposedly vanilla DHCP
> should work ok but I'm having problems.

> Here's what happens... I try to grab an IP using pump with:
> pump -i eth0
> shell spits out "Operation Failed."
> ifconfig reveals after this that eth0 is not up (of course).

> Likewise I fail when trying to use dhcpcd.

> When I assign eth0 an ip on my internal network the interface comes up just
> fine and I can ping around on my network so the card's hardware and setup
> seem to be OK.

> You can find a tcpdump here http://www.oppel.net/DHCP that I did while I did
> a dhcpcd -H.  Here's a short description of the RoadRunner network that I'm
> trying to connect to:

> DHCP & DNS1 -
> DNS2 -
> Gateway -
> The subnet that I usually get an IP on is

> Help would be greatly appreciated!

        Ok...  I'm going to take some wild ass guesses here.  Since you
provided us with the above information, I'm guessing that you HAVE had
this cable modem working before?  Was it with this system?  Was it with
this ethernet card?  If you are NOT using the same ethernet card that
the modem was originally set up with, have you called your cable provider
and given them the new MAC address (the one from the new card).  Until
you do, that card, and its MAC address is not going to be in their
database and their DHCP server is going to ignore you.

        BTW...  I just got broadband here a couple of days ago.  The
installer looked at my rack of equipment as I told him, "you're going
to be connecting into that system", as I pointed at the mini-tower
on top left of my 19" panel rack unit.  He asked "what's it running, Linux?"
I replied in the afirmative.  He remarked "I don't think we support Linux."
I told him "Correct.  YOU don't support Linux.  I do.  You just provide
me with the modem and the connection."  I gave him the MAC address for
that ethernet and told him "just call this address in and I'll do the
rest."  After he called it in, I powered up the cable modem and ifup'ed
that ethernet interface.  A split second later, I had my IP address and
I'm up and rolling.  Smooth as silk.

        I just have one problem.  I intend to MASQ out the cable modem
for high speed stuff, but I still have my ISDN lines for high reliablity
things, like my DNS, and for my fixed addresses.  My problem is that I
DON'T want pump or dhcpcd installing a default route on that box!  The
default route goes out the ISDN ppp lines.  The cable modem is just for a
big fat, unreliable, pipe for big transfers.  I can't figure out how
to tell pump or dhcpcd NOT to install the default route!  I can tell
dhcpcd not to replace /etc/resolve.conf and do a few other things (that
pump can't do) but I can't seem to prohibit this.  I've now got a
/sbin/ifup-local that spots eth2 (the cable modem interface) and removes
that default route if it put one in (it always does) but that seems like
SUCH A KLUDGE.  Anyone got a better idea of how to keep them from
installing a default route?

> -Jason

 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)      |  (678) 463-0932   |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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