On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
>       I just don't know...  Mine is running great (RoadRunner on MediaOne
> errr... AT&T Global) with either plain old pump or dhcpcd.  It came up,
> first shot, in the blink of an eye.  Installer is trying to tell me that
> they don't support Linux and I'm telling him "no shit Shirlock, looks like
> there is nothing here that needs support."  I had given him the MAC
> address and told him to call it in.  Like a good little installer, he
> actually did what I asked him to do, and it JUST #@!$#@! WORKED.  Imagine
> that!
>       My only problem is I have one of those HIGHLY UNUSUAL situations
> where I DO NOT want the default route to go out the cable modem (I have
> 4 BRI ISDN lines for high reliablity stuff) and I can't figure out a way
> to keep pump or dhcpcd from installing a default route.
I found what I was looking for --

In addition while looking over that page, I remembered
another thing -- Some DSL users have to use PPPOE. I don't
know if that works with cablemodems or not.... Anyway,
there's a special "login" client you need for RoadRunner
(at least in some areas.) It's called RRLOGIND.

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