--I think it's a GREAT time to UNsubscribe now.--

I think it sad to see you go when you likely subscribed for what was
important info on what matters to you which is linux.........

I moderate ( karen /richard carpenter's music ) a list at egroups and
believe you me sometimes it can get interesting what with the couple
hundred of personalities that are on the list........

the list allows most any thread ( I am NOT saying that should be done
here but i've learned from it regardless ) keeping to philosophy of
kids-safe threads ( out of respect for karen and richard carpenter in
what they represented as musicians etc.etc.) which mostly works but
sometimes conversations start that are shall we say pushing that
envelope.......it happens but most understand and tolerate it and i'm
there to intervene if necessary.....but i know this list is different
we're here for one thing only otherwise the email could get overwhelming
and its a redhat specific list ............ :-)))))))))

so i guess this all ties in slightly here in that while YES the thread
has gone WAY off topic with the political thread, based on the original
reason of the list,,but its an important topic to the world and i'm glad
its important to people and I've learned from it...............its our
future so let US lead the way carefully without which we might not have
redhat linux and that option away from windows I'm very glad of

anyway thanks for reading this...........
you can view my latest attempts webwize done with linux html editor/gftp
and some music apps etc. at:

so thanks redhat glad you're here!!!!!!!!!! :-)


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