yOn Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Shepard,Brian wrote:

> I'm running linux 6.2 on an Intel machine that's configured to dual boot
> Linux or Win95. My ISP is a Mom & Pop outfit that provides direct internet
> via a T1 into  my apartment building. When I boot Win95, all looks great,
> but when I boot Linux I can't see the network; can't ping anything & can't
> access the web from my browser. Again, Win95 works like a champ. Both OS
> have same network parms. Linux is NOT complaining about anything network
> related. Ifconfig shows eth0 looking good. My ISP (Mom & Pop outfit) will
> only tell me that my static IP address is a virtual IP address. Just for the
> hell of it I installed the same copy of Linux on an identical machine at
> work & everything works great; does indeed see the network. So,  the only
> thing that I can think of is that Linux cannot deal with the network if you
> use an ISP that provides direct Internet access via T1 and configs his
> customers with static VIRTUAL IP ADDRESSES. I complained to the ISP & he
> said it's not his problem because my Win95 works fine. Any ideas????????
> Thanks in advance as I have been working on this problem for almost one
> year.
> -Brian Shepard
Does your ISP use PPPoE?  This takes some extra software on the Linux
box. Or are you using DHCPC to configure your windows box (deterimin IP
address automaticly check box) and giving your linux box a static IP.
Can you ping using IP address, instead of host name?  (If so, you
probably don't have the name server set up right.)


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