Because of difficulties in getting StarOffice to work on my RH7.0
system at school (see separate post entitled "StarOffice aborts on
rh7.0"), I decided to try installing it on my home computer to see
if I had the same problems there. What I found is that I couldn't
install it because I didn't have enough space on /tmp. Well I had
some old redundant partitions laying around and decided to convert
on to /tmp. When I remounted the old partition as /tmp and started
X-windows, it aborted with some error message about unable to find
fonts and unable to connect to socket 7100. Fortunately, I hadn't
removed the old /tmp, but had simply mounted over it. I umounted
/tmp and was able to start up X. I tried various combinations and
restarted the xfs server with no luck.

I had tried to copy over all of the old /tmp to my reused partition,
but I noticed that the file, /tmp/.font-unix/fs7100=, wasn't copied.
I looked at the directory listing...

srwxrwxrwx    1 xfs      xfs             0 Dec 13 13:50 /tmp/.font-unix/fs7100=

and noticed that this is a socket. This seems to be the only difference
between the old /tmp and my new reused partition /tmp. This leads to
several questions...

        1) Is there a way of recreating this device?
        2) Why doesn't the font server recreate this device automatically?
        3) If the font server truly requires this device, shouldn't
           this be put under the /var tree and not under /tmp?
        4) Shouldn't one be able to completely erase /tmp and
           still have everything functioning upon reboot?

I really need to increase /tmp space so I can go ahead with my install
of StarOffice. Any and all help is appreciated.



<>  Carey F. Cox, PhD          |  PHONE: (318) 257-3770               <>
<>  Assistant Professor        |  FAX:   (318) 257-2306               <>
<>  Dept. of Mech. Eng.        |  EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        <>
<>  Louisiana Tech University  |  WEB: <>

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