On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Linda Hanigan wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know why it ate my message. so I'll try again. I just want
> to be able to read and send mail form a console program. I would
> like to pick up the mail then disconnect while I read it. I tried
> pine to send a message. However it does mixes the name I need for my
> ISP and my local login and machine name stuff. I tried to create a
> pine.conf to tell it not to look up password stuff but obviously
> didn't do it right. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I had no
> idea how complicated this was.
>                          Thanks
>                          Linda
Linda, to make Pine use [EMAIL PROTECTED] for your e-mail address, what
you have to do is create a "Role".  The way to do it is from Pines main
menu, pick:

Scroll down to "Set From =" and set that to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Scroll down to "Reply Use =" and set it to "Without confirmation".

Scroll down to "Forward Use =" and set it to "Without confirmation".

Scroll down to "Compose Use =" and set it to "Without confirmation".

(E)xit setup, saving changes.

Now, and mail you send will have the correct return address.

If you are sending mail directly to your ISPs mail server, you are not
done.  If you are using sendmail localy, and sending when you connect,
you will have to add your local user name to the trusted users list in

There is also a way to make sendmail translate the address for you, but
that is a bit more work.  I have not used this feature, so I will let
someone else walk you through setting that up if want to go that route.


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