
I suffered the atack. Perhaps it was my fault for not checking all the
updates, but it was pretty annoying to discover this hole...

My server (running RH 6.2 with the wu-ftp and nfs that ships with it)
started crashing almost 15 days ago (saying "grow_inodes: inode-max limit
reached") and when I change the inode-max number, all the "index.html" files
were changed to this "Hackers loves noodles" page.

I am in the proccess of recreating all the content/software on my server.
The only good thing is that I discovered that I was not the only target of
an attack but part of the bunch of dumbs who left this doors open...

Any advices for the future? How often shall I check for updates / fixes /
patches and so on?


Tomas Garcia Ferrari


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