Maybe.  AFAIK, the only wu-ftp that is affected is the version that is
right off the install CDs for 6.2.

which is wu-ftpd-2.6.0-3.i386.rpm

I would imagine that the one listed on the errata page is probably
safe.  You could also try upgrading to 2.6.1, but I dont knwo if that will
break any dependencies anywere else (i.e. anonftp, or any libs that may be
deprecated or incompatible with 2.6.1 that may exist on a 6.2 install.)

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Peter Peltonen wrote:

> So wu-ftpd 2.6.0 is infected?
> When I look at RH Errata, I can see an update for wu-ftpd, but that is:
> wu-ftpd-2.6.0-14.6x
> and I am running that version. Am I vulnerable for the attack?

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