On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, James spewed into the bitstream:

J>At the risk of compromising my home LAN security, I have a user name on my
J>RedHat box - "James."  I know, I know, it's an odd choice for a user name,
J>but I like it.
J>Unfortunately, Mail/Sendmail doesn't like it.  No matter what I try I cannot
J>get mail delivered to user James, James@localhost, James@MyDomain, nothin.
J>Sendmail keeps telling me (or, rather e-mailing root) that user "james" is
J>unknown - which is accurate, as that user does not exist.
J>Any clues as to how I can get Mail/Sendmail to accept the fact that my
J>usernames may have upper case characters in them?  I've tried aliasing james
J>to James, but that doesn't seem to work.
J>I finally just killed off Sendmail so that I didn't have to read all of the
J>undeliverable mail messages in root's mailbox - however some of the messages
J>for root are actually useful so this isn't a long term option.
J>If anyone has specific experience with other mail daemons (qmail, zmail?)
J>feel free to recommend away.  I'm still a newbie as far as Linux goes and am
J>not particularly loyal to any packages.

SMTP is not case sensitive. You might be able to use an alias:

add the following to /etc/mail/aliases:

james:  James

then type newaliases

then type /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart

Check for errors...

barring that you'll have to change the user account name to james
instead of James.

Chuck Mead, Owner, MoonGroup.com
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