On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Michael R. Jinks wrote:

> James wrote:
> > Unfortunately, Mail/Sendmail doesn't like it.
> I think that this is because DNS doesn't like it.  Or more properly,
> because DNS name queries are case-insensitive, so sendmail always
> lowercases everything to avoid confusion.
> I could be wildly wrong on my details here.

In this particular case, you are.  A) Sendmail does not rely on DNS for
local delivery, and B) DNS is most definitely not case sensitive.

Do a lookup on www.compucomis.net, WWW.COMPUCOMIS.NET,
www.CompuComIS.net...they're all the same.  There's no separate
registration for "compucomis.net" with or without caps at the registries,

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