James wrote:
> At the risk of compromising my home LAN security, I have a user name on my
> RedHat box - "James."  I know, I know, it's an odd choice for a user name,
> but I like it.

As an aside, any NOS worth its salt shouldn't be compromised at all by
somebody knowing an account name.  For example, I'll bet you an espresso
that there is an account on that box whose username is "root".

> Unfortunately, Mail/Sendmail doesn't like it.

I think that this is because DNS doesn't like it.  Or more properly,
because DNS name queries are case-insensitive, so sendmail always
lowercases everything to avoid confusion.

I could be wildly wrong on my details here.

> No matter what I try I cannot
> get mail delivered to user James, James@localhost, James@MyDomain, nothin.


> Any clues as to how I can get Mail/Sendmail to accept the fact that my
> usernames may have upper case characters in them?  I've tried aliasing james
> to James, but that doesn't seem to work.

Nope.  You'll hit the same issue.

> If anyone has specific experience with other mail daemons (qmail, zmail?)
> feel free to recommend away.

Won't make any difference.  This is Correct Behavior(tm).

I suppose there might be some way (say, Courier backed by an SQL
database and hacked up not to follow some RFC or another) to make this
work, but you're bucking long tradition if you try.  You're also asking
for trouble when someone used to the common behavior tries to send mail
to "james" on your now-case-sensitive MTA.

Michael Jinks, IB // Technical Entity // Saecos Corporation

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