On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 06:02:38PM -0500, Michael McLeod wrote:

> Linux lives in it's own 2 Gb hard drive, Western Digital,  and I
> have run diagnostics on it all is OK.  I have reviewed the Cmos
> settings, nothing seems to have changed.  I have checked the 128 Meg
> of ram ant it is ok.  Winblows works fine on the other Hard drive.
> What could be going on?  I'm really stuck, and new to Linux

It sounds like a progressive failure. I'd be suspicious of the drive.
What diagnostics did you run on it? I've had lousy luck with the low
end WD drives.

Probably a little more info on any boot messages would be good. Does
it ever start the boot sequence? It certainly sounds like hardware

Hal B

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