I have narrowed the problem to the computer I am using RH7 on.  I tried
loading RH7 onto the same Hard drive I had been using on the first computer
but with the drive installed in another similar computer.  Well, 7 worked
fine so I moved the hard drive back to the original computer and had all the
same problems with a  diffuse variety of errors and not being to start X.
Windows 98 works fine on this computer but RH 7 won't, however, RH6 works
fine.  I know the problem is not the hard drive, it could be memory, but
I've tried it in the other computer and it worked ok (the reverse did not
work and I don't know why) or  the AMD K6-2 350 or maybe the mother board.
I've updated the bios so that's not it.  I'm really stumped and need some
direction as what to do!  Hope someone out there has some ideas.

Michael McLeod wrote:

> Not long after RH 7 was released I did a fresh install on my computer
> (not an Up grade) Everything worked well then about 2 months ago Loadlin
> stopped working, that is,  the boot process would hang someplace
> especially when X went to startup.  The screen would just flash about
> every 10 seconds and finally display a message something like:
> .../var/run/gdm.pid  gdm already running but seems to have been murdered
> mysteriously
> this would be repeated again after about 20 seconds, finally the
> following messaged would be displayed:
> INIT:Id "x"  respawnind to fast: disabled for 5 mi.
> I could still boot from Lilo or from disk. Then a few weeks later I
> could not boot from disk only Lilo.
> Since I am still in the experimental stage with Linux I just decided to
> remove and reload the whole program.  Well now it won't ever boot from
> disk and only 1/2 the time will it boot from Lilo.
> Linux lives in it's own 2 Gb hard drive, Western Digital,  and I have
> run diagnostics on it all is OK.  I have reviewed the Cmos settings,
> nothing seems to have changed.  I have checked the 128 Meg of ram ant it
> is ok.  Winblows works fine on the other Hard drive.  What could be
> going on?  I'm really stuck, and new to Linux
> Michael
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