On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 12:37:38AM -0800, Harry Putnam wrote:
: That gives me a password prompt and allows me to enter and stomp
: around in the win2k file system.  This minimal access is all I really
: want but I would like to be able to shut down the win2k remotely.

There are ways.

is one, but must be run from another win32 box.

There are plenty of Win32 programs out there that will do just what you
want.  Get one, run it while running a sniffer on your network, and see
what it does.  Next step?  Write someting in <insert your favorite 
language here> to do the same thing.  You'll be somebody's hero, I'm sure.

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 
          Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
                    My account, My opinions.

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