On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Harry Putnam wrote:

> Hoping someone here will know about this without much contemplation:
> I have a home network with 5 machines. The main machine and dsl
> connection is on a RH 7.1 install.  I have samba installed but don't
> really configure it for serious work.  In fact no config at all. Just
> whatever defaults are set in an rpm install.
> Using `out of the box' smbclient, I can connect to my wifes win2k box
> with: smbclient //NAME/share -U administrator <enter>
> That gives me a password prompt and allows me to enter and stomp
> around in the win2k file system.  This minimal access is all I really
> want but I would like to be able to shut down the win2k remotely.
> Is that something that can be done with this minimal connection?

Doubtlessly there is as you can can run management services, a la MMC,
from remote pc.  I haven't researched this myself.  One thing you may want
to consider is installing cygwin on the w2k machine to give yourself some
standard unix functionality: ssh, X windows, and the like.

On the original question, I've seen a single command shutdown tool for
w2k, but can't remember what it's called.

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