Dont give up hope yet Ben, good things come to those who wait. Read all
you can and watch this list. I was like you about a year ago, now I only
go into Windows XP to play Counterstrike. Everything I need or want to
do I can do with Linux. Endeaver to come out on top and you will.

        The one piece of advise I can give is one thing at a time, get it right
and move onto the next, baby steps or you will feel over whelmed.I am
running 7.2 and have had no major issues as of yet. Feel free to contact
me off list with your issues and we will try and work thru them one at a
time. I do not know all but may be able to help. Did you check the md5
sums of the downloaded ISO'S?

        Good luck and keep the faith......

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