Just a note on this:

> > This green colour does change from one occasion to the
> > next in intensity. Leaving the computer off (overnight )
> > usually cures the problem, but changing runlevels (3 to 5)
> >  a number of times may bring the green colour back. It is
> >  a total mystery to me.

> Stupid question, but are you logging in as the same user all
> the time?

> Has one user got different KDE background colour options?

  I've seen it, mostly back in RH 6.0 (& maybe 5.0, as well).  In
5.0, I'd only run X as root with the common fwm colours & as one
user in darker colours.  In 6.0, it was root, & two users, each
user had almost identical settings, root just dark.  In each, I
only saw it in Gnome between the "other" user & root, while in my
regular user account, I ran Enlightenment.  The only thing I can
think of that is different to when I've run later releases or
later releases of other distros, is that in RH 5.0 & 6.0, I had a
very small swap.

  I was thinking that with this either likely being memory or X
(though maybe any number of different related files).  That might
be a good place to start.  How much RAM is in the box, how large
a swap partition & which distro release & release of X, Gnome &


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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