On Thu, 06 Dec 2001 11:15:47 -0800
Joe Brenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:

> > > Michael Jang wrote:
> > > MJ>I'm not asking for the release date of the next version of Red
Hat. I am
> > > MJ>asking if anyone has any "informed speculation" on when the
beta for Red
> > > MJ>Hat Linux 8.0 might be available.
> > And why not a 7.3 version?
> Now that strikes me as a very good question.  Isn't there
> anyone out there slightly annoyed about the quality (or lack
> thereof) of the 7.2 release?  
> I kind of feel like everyone is sort of pussy-footing around
> this issue out of nervousnous about the economy and the
> state-of-linux or some such.  But if we don't push RedHat on
> the quality issue, I think that this time next year we're
> going to be facing even worse problems with 8.2.
> I'm about to go to work and try to install 7.2, because
> we're still using RedHat where I work...  but if it were up
> to me I'd go with Debian or Mandrake or something.  

I haven't been quiet. I've mentioned it whenever the need has arisen.

7.2 sucks!! I installed it twice and had numerous problems. I helped 2
other people get it installed and they had numerous problems. I and one
of the others went back to 7.1. The third party was really new and had
stability problems. I'm going over next week to try it myself, but if it
fails he won't even try to get away from Gate$-2K until I can find
something more stable for him. It appears it's 7.2 or nothing for now
because some of his stuff didn't work at all when 7.1 was tried, and 7.2
made some others totally erratic and unstable.

Is that better?

I still have faith that the future will be OK. I'll wait until something
else comes out (7.3 or 8.0 or whatever) and judge that on its own merits
or shortcomings.

Earth first!  We'll strip-mine the other planets later.

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