> On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Ed Wilts wrote:
> >
> > The bottom line is I'm not complaining because there is nothing worthwhile
> > complaining about, let alone be annoyed about.  As always, though, your
> > mileage WILL vary, and it sounds like it has.
> Yeah, that's the problem with this sort of thing. All you hear about on
> this list are the problems (and we have only heard few).  I'm not sure
> about the enigma list as I don't have time to belong to both. You don't
> hear from someone everytime they have a successful install/upgrade. Hell,
> I ran into a problem upraging one machine to 7.2 and you don't see me
> crying about how Red Hat sucks... It's just Linux - if you think switching
> distros is going to be a magic bullet for your problems, think again.

FWIW My partner spent probably 50 - 60 man hours over three weeks getting his
new dell laptop to run w2k.  loads of drivers that are not on the MS cd that he
had to go and track down.  he only spent about 20 hours on the redhat side :)


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