On Sat, 08 Dec 2001 14:36:59 -0800
Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> implied:

> Whoops!
> Yes, I did mean 2 GB free on my root partition.  The root partition is
> 7.5 GB disk.  Currently, 5.1 GB of the disk are used.  Of this, 1.1 GB
> are in /usr and 58 MB are in /var.  Does it matter how full individual
> directories are?  Wouldn't the installation write the necessary files
> a directory until it hit the limit of the partition?  Here's a df on
> machine:
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2              7546410   5077545   2077683  71% /
> /dev/hda1               388570      7352    361139   2% /boot
> /dev/sda4              3912254   3112011    597824  84% /ash
> /dev/sdb4             16813861  11020449   4917870  69% /ash2
> jonesy:/dallas        12289597   9183524   2467490  79% /dallas
> jonesy:/sigourney      7198847   4786642   2039145  70% /sigourney
> jonesy:/sigourney2      198313        13    188046   0% /sigourney2
> sulaco:/sulaco        44228372  39137348   2844336  93% /sulaco
> kcsa:/potassium       38472404  32317932   4200168  88% /potassium
> ryder:/winona         32495316  10149676  20694964  33% /winona
> deckard:/data         67274964  60961404   2896136  95% /deckard_data
> I refuse to believe that I would have to wipe out the current
> installation and start over.  This machine has been working great
> 6.2.  It's been up like a year under heavy use.  Wiping out and
> reinstalling is not an acceptable upgrade path.  Any suggestions would
> be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,

Well, depending on what you end up trying to install, it might see it as
too full. But it appears that you aren't even getting that far, so I'm
not sure just what the problems could be.

BTW, when I mentioned wiping, I meant (now that I see what you have) /
and /boot. The others could be left untouched.

Maybe you could backup fstab, remove all of the lines for everything
except those 2 partitions, and try again. Once it's all done, the
original fstab could be placed over the new one and used. That would
eliminate any confusion there may be due to the extra partitions.

Second guess ('cause that's what I'm doing) is try an expert install and
see if it lets you get any further through the upgrade.

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